let app = require('express')(); let http = require('http').Server(app); let io = require('socket.io')(http); let cookie = require('cookie'); let ws_port = 9999; //設定監聽IPv4的IP,避免取remote IP連IPv6一起取(::ffff: http.listen(ws_port, '', function () { console.log('listening on *:' + ws_port); }); const test_io = io.of('/test'); test_io.on('connection', function (socket) { //client連線數量 let client_cnt = io.engine.clientsCount; //取得 query 參數(GET 參數) let aa = socket.handshake.query['aa']; //取得 cookie let cookies = ''; try { cookies = cookie.parse(socket.handshake.headers.cookie); } catch (err) { console.log('#無效cookie:', socket.handshake.headers.cookie); console.log(err); } //取得IP let client_ip = socket.request.connection.remoteAddress; //取得header資訊 if (undefined !== socket.handshake.headers["x-real-ip"]) { client_ip = socket.handshake.headers["x-real-ip"]; } socket.on('disconnect', async function () { ...... }); async function main() { ...... } main().catch(err => { ..... socket.disconnect(true); }); socket.on('testmsg', function () { ....... }); ...... });
- socket.handshake 物件內的資料
{ headers: /* the headers sent as part of the handshake */, time: /* the date of creation (as string) */, address: /* the ip of the client */, xdomain: /* whether the connection is cross-domain */, secure: /* whether the connection is secure */, issued: /* the date of creation (as unix timestamp) */, url: /* the request URL string */, query: /* the query params of the first request */, auth: /* the authentication payload */ }
- https://socket.io/docs/v3/server-instance/
The Server instance | Socket.IO - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6458083/get-the-clients-ip-address-in-socket-io
node.js - Get the client's IP address in socket.io - Stack Overflow - https://socket.io/docs/v3/server-api/index.html#socket-handshake
Server API | Socket.IO